Christmas VEGAN menu
Yes! We can have a full vegan Christmas menu, not only extremely delicious but also impressive! The menu includes appetizer, soup, salad, main course and dessert.
Bon appetit with this, full of love, menu!
Impressive and colorful vegan loaf with lentils and vegetables. Extremely tasty and with delicious texture. A real ornament for your festive dinning table!
Delicious vegan pumpkin soup in 30 minutes! With rosemary and nutmeg. Simple, easy and awesome!
Impressively delicious vegan cheese! Ideal for spread and dip. Definitely worth a try!
Impress your guests with this festive salad! A feast of colors and flavors with a wonderful fresh sauce.
These hazelnut and peanut butter truffles are seriously satisfying, and loaded with healthy and nutritious ingredients for all ages. It's absolutely certain that you will love them, as all our friends, vegans and non-vegans, did.
Christmas articles
Also, read what you need to know about pomegranate, chestnuts and pumpkin.
Pomegranate is considered a superfood. Read about its positive effects on our health and learn how to deseed it in just a minute!
Chestnut is a beloved winter delicacy for young and old alike, and is used in countless vegan recipes. It's a nut, loaded with important nutrients, with a unique flavor that can be combined in an impressive way with a variety of foods.
The nutritional value of pumpkin is as few as vegetables. Those of you who have this superfood at home, use it in your vegan creations, for incredible delicious recipes and numerous health benefits.