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My daughter, three years old, doesn't want to eat chicken

I'm vegetarian but my husband eats meat so my daughters eat too. Ever since they were little, I have learned in my daughters to love animals. The little one, three years old now, has not wanted to eat chicken since I told her she was an animal and they killed her. I don't know what to do, on the one hand I tell her to love animals on the other I give her chicken to eat. My mother is very worried when I tell her that I don't want kids to eat chicken and it affects me. Have you endorsed such situations? What did you do?

Αφροδίτη Ματθαίου has reacted to this post.
Aphrodity Matthaiou
I believe that a world full of goodness is possible.

Although I have not faced a similar situation, my personal opinion is that each parent communicates their own values to their children. So even a parent who loves animals will inevitably affect his child. The extensions are as expected as we would say. When one has the ability to sense the pain of another creature, one is expected to react to such circumstances. It makes sense not to want someone with empathy to inflict pain on another creature.

In answer to your question, yes, I expect it to:

  1. you told her the truth as to where the chicken meat came from, and
  2. he has empathy (that is, he may feel someone else's pain

not wanting to eat it.

As far as your opinion of others is concerned, you can look for studies on whether a vegan diet is safe for any age so that you are well informed and decide for yourself what you think is best for your children (eg here:

You can also read our corresponding article here:

Αφροδίτη Ματθαίου, Anna M. and Martilak have reacted to this post.
Aphrodity MatthaiouAnna M.Martilak
Choose comppassion 🙂

Thank you very much! I'll read it !!!

Θοδωρής Τιμπιλής and Αφροδίτη Ματθαίου have reacted to this post.
Thodoris TibilisAphrodity Matthaiou
I believe that a world full of goodness is possible.

Anna, my opinion is to raise your little girls as you think, what harm do you do that they are told to love animals?

Θοδωρής Τιμπιλής and Anna M. have reacted to this post.
Thodoris TibilisAnna M.

Thanks Martilak! you give me courage and I really need it because I have no other support

I believe that a world full of goodness is possible.